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Nobody Gets Out Of This Alive


Nobody Gets Out Of This Alive
More Messages from our Loved Ones in the Spirit World

Psychic Medium Priscilla Keresey returns with more messages from our loved ones in Heaven. With her customary humor, the author shares insightful commentary from our deceased friends and family on the topics of staying healthy, making mistakes, resolving problems, what Heaven feels like, and more. In three distinct sections, The Human Condition; the Spirit Condition; and Frequently Asked Questions, Priscilla quotes directly from her readings and séances. Calling her work “translating for the dead,” the author extends hope and wisdom from both human and animal deceased. Each section includes free pre-recorded meditations for physical, mental, and spiritual health, and one to help you connect with your own loved ones in the Afterlife.

The messages in this book inspire us to embrace the notion that although our physical journeys will one day end, life continues, love survives, and all is forgiven. After all, as the spirit people remind us continually, Nobody Gets Out Of This Alive!

You can preview the Table of Contents and read the Introduction (PDF).

This title is currently available as paperback ($14.95) and e-book ($7.99).
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